Generous Easter gift for Auhof workshops
CGS Company donates to Rummelsberger Diakonie
Hilpoltstein – We were happy to surprise the employees of the Auhof workshops this year with a very special Easter present. At a donation handover on site, founder Alfons Geyer and his three children, who run the family business with him, presented his colleagues at the workshops with a check for €10,000. The money is intended to support young people with disabilities at the Auhof workshops in Hilpoltstein.
When the donation was handed over, Siegfried Zeh, head of the Auhof workshops, was visibly happy about the donation and thanked him very much. There was a tour for everyone involved through the various areas of the Auhof workshops, followed by a visit to the in-house gardening center. Thanks to the upcoming Easter festival, there is currently a lot of activity there. This year’s Easter is also a very special highlight for the employees of the CGS Company. “During the traditional “Easter ham”, we want to let our employees know which institution our company donation benefited from this year.” The traditional Easter ham before Palm Sunday therefore took on a very special meaning for us.
“Supporting people in social institutions is particularly important to us. We want to do good as quickly and as unbureaucratically as possible,” reports Alfons Geyer. “We have been familiar and connected to the Auhof for a long time because employees who have been loyal to us for decades have family members here at the Auhof. They get a permanent home at Auhof and feel like they have “arrived,” he added. Back in 2016, we were able to make a donation to the Auhof for the company's 40th anniversary.